Mindfulness in September

Back in April, we shared a post about cultivating mindfulness for 2020. (Check it out here!) In this post, we’re sharing Part 2 – because we believe that if there’s one thing that can help you survive 2020, it’s mindfulness.

What is mindfulness? In a nutshell, mindfulness is the ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, at any given moment. In other words, it’s setting aside some time where you’re not multi-tasking, thinking ahead, looking back, or memorizing your to-do list. Instead, you’re cutting out distractions in order to focus on what you’re doing at that moment. It’s both challenging and rewarding at the same time, and it takes practice. That’s why we’ve put together another list of tips for how you can cultivate mindfulness in order to achieve a little calm in your everyday life.

Ready? Check out these tips, and start incorporating one or two of these ideas into your daily habits.

  1. Try daily meditation. There is a plethora of apps that can help you develop a daily meditation habit, like Abide, Soultime, Headspace, or Calm. Even spending five minutes a day in meditation can help you feel more equipped to face all the demands of your day.
  2. Turn off the phone for an hour. Spend one hour a day with your phone in airplane mode so you can spend quality time with your friends, family or pets.
  3. Read more. With a paper book, there’s no distracting pop up to distract you from your reading. It’s just you and a good book. Create a reading list for yourself this month or this year and then go visit your local library!
  4. Incorporate mindfulness into your exercise regimen by going on a walk or spending thirty minutes at the gym. Give your brain a rest while your body gets a work-out.
  5. Create a morning routine. Our mornings make or break our daily success. Having one can really help your mindset and increase productivity throughout the day.
  6. Begin a gratefulness journal. Write each day about one thing you’re thankful for and why you’re grateful. At the end of the month, look back over the last thirty days for a mood-boosting reflection on gratitude.

If you’ve got other tips to help reduce stress in these trying times, let us know! We’d love to hear and share on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds. Good luck, stay home & stay well!

Mindfulness is the art of focusing on one thing at a time.